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Wednesday 17 March 2021

Hannah gowland


11 of the Greatest Defense Mechanisms in Nature   The porcupine's body is covered in quills. These quills have very sharp barbs on the ends. If a porcupine feels threatened it will raise its quills in a defensive posture.

The quills will penetrate the skin of the attacker and the barbs will hold the quill in the attacker's skin. The quill will release from the porcupine's body and stay attached to the attacker. This will cause a tremendous amount of pain to the attacker causing it to be distracted. As the attacker attempts to remove the quills even more pain will be felt. In all of this distraction, the porcupine will escape the attacker and the attacker will have learned a painful lesson.


My summary- Firstly the porcupine has sharp quills on its back. Secondly each quill has a barb. Lastly anything attacking gets tremendous pain from being spiked and the porcupine walks away.

11 of the Greatest Defense Mechanisms in NatureTheir greatest defense mechanism: Using their own ribs to form poisonous spikes.

When attacked, this newt is able to push its ribs outside of its skin to form spikes that help to defend itself. It does this by moving them away from the spine and increasing their angle by 15 degrees. 

Its skin then stretches and the ribs penetrate through 'warts' along its sides and, simultaneously, a poisonous substance is secreted onto them through pores in the skin. The best part is that this appears to be a painless and survivable strategy. 

My Summary- Firstly they use their ribs to protect themselves from poisonous spikes. Secondly  they move it away from the spine and increase the angle by 15 degrees. Lastly it is painless.

natures defenses hagfishTheir greatest defense mechanism: Expelling a slimy substance that can clog up the gills of attackers.

Hagfish are one of the oldest living fossils on the planet. They have existed for at least 300 million years and have an interesting, but disgusting, slimy substance that they can expel when attacked.

This substance, once it mixes with water, expands and can clog up, and choke enemy fish's gills. 

My summary- firstly it expels a slimy substance that can clog up the gills of attackers. Secondly hagfish have existed for at least 300 million years.

Lastly this substance, once it mixes with water, expands and can clog up, and choke enemy fish’s gills.

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